Concerts and performances
29/12 BOL, Julejazz, Britannia Hotel, Trondheim
06/01 With Tale Næss, support Gaza concert, Britannia Hotel, Trondheim
26/3 With Krister Jonsson and Per Oddvar Johansen, Credo, Trondheim
13/4 With Marilyn Mazur, Eivind Aarset and Ståle Storløkken, Nasjonal Jazzscene, Oslo
9/9 Åse/Strønen: Dokkhuset Scene, Trondheim
15 /9 BOL: Skylab Audiovision: Verkstedhallen, Trondheim
17/9 BOL: Skylab Audiovision Najonal Jazzscene, Victoria, Oslo
18/9 BOL: Skylab Audiovision Tou Scene, Stavanger, Norway
18/10 Solo Performativity Seminar, Dragvoll, NTNU Trondheim
1/12 Åse/Duch, PØKK, Blæst, Trondheim
17/12 Solo, christmas concert, Frimurerlogen, Trondheim
3/2 BOL: Sortland Jazz & Viseklubb , Sortland, Norway
4/2 BOL: Tromsø Jazzklubb, Tromsø, Norway
20/2 Solo and with Michael Duch, public project presentation at Dokkhuset, Trondheim
4/3 BOL: “Smal I Hove”-festival, Studentersamfundet, Trondheim
13/5: BOL w/Snah og Stian Westerhus, Jazzfest 2010,BLÆST, Trondheim
5/6 with Marilyn Mazur Quartet, Klapeida, Litauen
1/9 Guest w/Jakob Buchanan Quartet, Århus Musikkfestuke, Århus, Denmark
9/9 With Per Oddvar Johansen and Krister Jonsson, Rødbrygga, Inderøy, Norway
10/9 with Per Oddvar Johansen and Krister Jonssonat HINT, Levanger , Norway
14/9 Solo, Book launch arrangement, Gløshaugen, NTNU, Trondheim
17/9 Solo, Music technology Days, Norwegian Academy of Music, Oslo
8/10 Solo, seminar at Vokalarm Festival, Nova Conference Centre, Trondheim
15/10: Eugenie- short story of sound, Queen Maud University College, Trondheim
29/12 With Michael Duch and Ståle Storløkken, Julejazz, Britannia Hotell, Trondheim
1/2 ”Eugenie, short story of sound” , Teaterhuset Avant Garden, Trondheim
3/2 Solo, seminar Music Information Centre/University of Oslo
7/2 BOL with Snah and Westerhus MONO, Oslo
9/2 BOL with Snah and Westerhus Unterfahrt, Munich, Germany
17/3 Solo at Høgskolan for Scen och Music, Gothenburg, Sweden
31/5 Trondheim Voices with StagetrackerFX, presentation at NIME 2011
4/8 With Marilyn Mazur Animal Picknic, Naturama, Svendborg, Denmark
6/8 With Marilyn Mazur Animal Picknic, Urkult Festival, Nämsforsen, Sweden
9/9 “Eugenie, short story of sound” for students, Blackbox, Dragvoll, NTNU, Trondheim
14/9 “Eugenie, short story of sound”, Ultima Oslo Contemporary Festival of Music
7/10 With Arnfinn Killingren at Klubb Kanin, Rockheim, Trondheim
12/10 Åse/Duch ,Verkstedhallen, Trondheim
19/10 “Eugenie, short story of sound”, Music Technology Days, Rockheim, Trondheim
19/10 With T- EMP , Music Technology Days, Rockheim,Trondheim
13/11 BOL: Nature is Not Beautiful, Teaterhuset Avant Garden Trondheim
16/11BOL: Nature is Not Beautiful, Galleri Hans, Ørlandet, Norway
17/11 BOL: Nature is Not Beautiful, Nils Aas Kunstnersenter, Inderøy, Norway
18/11 BOL: Nature is Not Beautiful, Galleri Zink, Lillehammer, Norway
Voxpheria with Thomas Strønen, GIGAFON January 2012
Numb, number with BOL/WESTERHUS/SNAH, GIGAFON February 2012
Compulsory parts:
Seminars, courses and others:
I have attended all mandatory courses offered by the programme during my period as a fellow. I have also attended 6 seminars at Voksenåsen. At NTNU I have for the last two years attended a research group discussing and exploring the field and concept of performativity, through various seminars and conferences. Further I have attended a seminar on action research at NTNU and being lectured in the use of WordPress (website). Not at least, a very important part of my studies has been the weekly internal meetings at the section of music technology, Department of Music.
NTNU: I have had several courses in creative music technology at the Department of Music. I have also had courses for and counselling the vocalists at the jazz section, and taken part in cooperation between the jazz section and the music technology section on a course exploring and guiding students improvisation in studio, with studio tools.
Others: I have had lectures and workshops at HINT (College for teachers in Nord- Trøndelag), and at Høgskolan for Scen och Musik in Gothenburg, Sweden.
Public presentations
I have attended, and presented my project or parts of it at, these conferences/seminars:
– “Musikalsk forskning og utforsking” NTNU, Dokkhuset, Trondheim, 20.febr. 2010
– “Musikkteknologidagene” (Music techn. conference), Norwegian Acadamy of Music, Oslo 16.sept.2010
– ”Vokalarm”, International festival of vocal ensembles, Trondheim, 8.oct. 2010
– “Musikk og maskiner” (“Music &Machines”) seminar arranged by the University of Oslo, 3.febr. 2011
– The ”Performance Turn” (Int. performativity conf.), arranged by NTNU 12-14 apr. 2011
-”The Art of Artistic Research”, arranged by the Norwegian Academy of Music, Oslo, 6-8 may 2011
– NIME (New Interfaces for Musical Expression), Oslo, 30. May- 1.june 2011(With Trondheim Voices)
– “Lydhørt”- Music Technology Days in Trondheim 20/10 2011
Others: A 25 min interview about my project, music and talk, was produced and sent by NRK (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation), Jazzklubben, P2 30/5 2010