Trondheim Voices


Trondheim Voices is working with the endless possibilities that exists within vocal improvisation and wish to explore the edges of what can be done with the voice, to find new expressions and new music.The ensemble also works with a further extension and exploration through the use of custom made live electronics made by Asle Karstad. Through the last years they have developed techniques for site-specific improvised performances together with artist Ann Cathrin Hertling/Wild at Art. Consisting of 9 individual soloists, Trondheim Voices wishes to develop what happens when the unique quality of each singer is set to interact with eachother, and to find the collective sound and music
that will originate their actions.

Tone Åse is a former musical leader of Trondheim Voices (2006-2011), followed by Siri Gjære (2011-2016). The ensemble is now led by Sissel Vera Pettersen


IMPROVOICING: Trondheim Voices with Marilyn Mazur

Trondheim Voices3_stort

Trondheim Voices er et ensemble bestående av profilerte vokalister med tilknytning
til det kreative improvisasjonsmiljøet i Trondheim. Med struper parat for det meste, ører på stilker, intuisjon og samspill som drivkraft og de musikalske strukturene som inspirasjon og rettesnor, skaper de nye vokalopplevelser både for seg selv og publikum.

Marilyn Mazur (Danmark) er en av våre fremste i den skandinaviske improvisasjonsmusikken, både som komponist og utøver. Til denne konserten har Marilyn bidratt med et verk utviklet i nært samarbeid med ensemblet.

“Enormt flott stemmespenn […] Fra det iskaldt-fremmedgjorte til det
rause og inkluderende. I sum en triumf for mangfoldet i den
menneskelige stemmen”
(Adressavisen, 17/7/09)

“Improvoicing er et nydelig bidrag til et hittil lite utforsket felt i
jazzen- vokalensamblet”
(Moldejazzavisa 17/7/09)
Arrangør: Dokkhuset Scene

Marilyn Mazur’s Future Song

Tone has been working with Marilyn and her band in various settings since the summer of 2007, this is a wonderful group of musicians, playing and improvising on Marilyns compositions
The happy meeting and cooperation with Marilyn has led to other projects, such as Marilyn Mazur composing for and performing with Trondheim Voices.

Other releases

VIA MUSIC (1999)
Katalognr.: VCD378

TYLDEN & CO. (1998)
Katalognr.: GTACD8094

VIA MUSIC (1999)
Katalognr.: VCD376

HEILO (2008)
Katalognr.: HCD7225

Reviews : BOL


A solid sequel (…) although your expectations after listening to the album are high, it is an experience in itself to see and hear an electronic trio mastering the subtle art of playing together like this.

Roald Helgheim, Dagsavisen, Oslo

The span in their universe of electronica is delightfully extensive, from the obsessive to the nearby transparent fragile.

Svein Andersen, Aftenposten Oslopuls

Bol will probably be placed in the category of Jazz, although rockers and others with an open mind become to find pleasure in this excursion in Music. With “Silver Sun” Bol simply has given us some of the most exciting Music there is in a loooong, loooong time.

Tor Hammerø, Nettpuls, Oslo

“This jazz-poptronica trio from Trondheim have made a masterpiece with their second CD, a formula-defying journey up a river of humanity where heartbroken souls line the shore. 47 minutes of incandescent musical brilliance.”

Kevin Renick, It’sa trap /playback stl, St Louis, USA

….. Was das musikalische Weltraum-Labor trotzdem zusammenhält, ist die Ausdrucksstärke, mit der die drei Profis improvisieren und auf Klangjagd gehen. Und die Klangsprache selbst, die konsistent bleibt, trotz aller Ausflüge in grundverschiedene Genres. Dazu Tone Åses Stimme, die den so typisch norwegischen Klang irgendwo zwischen Susanna Wallumrød und Sidsel Endresen hat. Ab ins All !

Sebastian Pantel, Nordische, Germany

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